
Chondroitin Sulfate from Cow Cartilage

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Company Profile

Shandong Haiyu Biological Co., Ltd

By certification [File Integrity]







Website:http://www.haiyubiotechnology.com/ http://haiyu.tjftsj.com/

Product Details

Chondroitin sulfate from cow cartilage, at room temperature, it is a white powder, odorless, tasteless. It has a strong ability of water absorption. It is highly soluble in water to become a solution with high viscosity. It become unstable upon higher temperatures or acidic condition, primarily being deacetylated or being degraded into monosaccharide or smaller molecular-weight polysaccharide. It is not soluble in organic solvent like ethanol, acetone and ether. Its salt is quite stable to heat without being destroyed when heated to 80 °C.

The oligosaccharides or disaccharides of CS, including low-molecular-weight Cs and CS, are related to the β-elimination reaction. The degradation degree of CS IN ACIDIC, alkaline and neutral conditions is expressed by the UV absorbance at 232nm, and the higher the UV absorbance is, the higher the degree of explanation is, which reflects the stability of CS under different conditions.

Chondroitin sulfate has protective effect on corneal Collagen fibers, can promote the growth of fibers in the matrix, enhance permeability, improve blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, promote the absorption of osmotic fluid and the Elimination of inflammation; The polyanion has strong water-holding capacity, can improve the water metabolism of the corneal tissue, has strong affinity to the cornea, can form a layer of permeable water-holding membrane on the corneal surface, and improve the symptoms of dry eyes. By promoting the formation of Stroma, it can provide the framework for the migration of corneal epithelial cells, thus promoting the healing of corneal wound, the absorption of exudate and the elimination of inflammation.

High Tech Treatments for neuroheadache, trigeminal NEURALGIA, coronary heart disease, Angina, myocardial Hypoxia, cerebrovascular disease, arthralgia, arteriosclerosis and hepatitis, cS also has anticoagulant and antithrombotic effects, may also be used for hearing impairment and liver function damage caused by Streptomycin as well as hyperlipidemia.

Can be used as health products, food additives, with the enhancement of human physique and anti-bacterial, beauty, anti-aging and other effects. Improve hearing and dry skin.
